Lynnette Chadwick supporting clients’ with pain/stress reduction and healing.
Lynnette after coming across natural therapies for her own healing in the late 1980s became trained in self awareness, counselling and went on to study a Diploma in Gestalt Psychotherapy in the mid 1990s.
She has worked in private practice since that time with individuals, couples, families, groups, workplaces and has spoken at conferences.
Prior to having her son in 2004 Lynnette reduced her hours in private practice and worked for 5 years at the Australian Red Cross supporting young teenage Mum’s with parenting, pregancy, education and self-awareness.
Lynnette recommenced private practice in Wellington in 2009. She supported clients with Counselling, Bodywork, Gestalt and HeartMath sessions.
Families sought support for their often primary aged children who were dealing with anxiety, school refusal and behavioural issues. Working with the family group enabled families to bring the culture of self awareness and self responsibility into their homes. Lynnette’s business thrived in Wellington where she received referrals from schools, friends and collegues of prior clients and she worked with both children and adults supporting them to live more productive and enjoyable lives.
Lynnette is now offerring sessions in both Wellington and Wanaka in the areas of:
Healing with Voltage (see homepage and links)
Importing Bioavailable Curcumin that can further enhance healing of the body.
Online and In-person Gestalt Therapy Sessions and HeartMath Coaching.
Akashic Records Recorded Session for connecting you with your higher self.